《 2008 年普通高等学校招生全国 统一考试 ( 江苏卷 ) 说明》在 书面表达题方面作了一些调整,词数要求从原来的 120 词增加 至 150 词。分值尽管未变,但是由于总分从原来的 150 分降至 120 分,书面表达 题在整份试卷中的比重上升了。因此培养好写作能力仍是同学们复习中不容忽视的一个部分。 学生作文水平的提升不仅仅靠训练,方法的指导和扎实的语言功底也是取得高分的重要保障。
根据新《考试说明》的 要求,最近安排学生练习了一篇半开放式的英文命题作文。在批改的过程中发现学生在文章 的结构、语法和用词等方面存在不小的问题。因此本文通过对学生作文的点评和对范文的赏 析谈一谈在解答英语书面表达题的过程中应该注意的几个方面。
一、 作文点评
1. 试题原文
最近你所在的学校选出 一男一女两名学生作为学校的形象大使,希望他们可以成为其他学生学习的模范。为此学生 中展开了激烈的争论。请你根据下列提示,以“ Do we need image ambassadors? ” 为题给某英语报纸写一篇文章。
注意: 1. 词数 : 150 左右。
2. 词汇: image ambassador 形象大使。
3. 短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。
Recently my school has chosen a boy and a girl to be its image ambassadors and hopes that others can learn from the two model students.
2. 学生习作点评
学生 习作 一 :
Recently my school has chosen a boy and a girl to be its image ambassadors and hopes that others can learn from the two model students. The idea sounds good, but it causes the discussion among the students. Someone thought that the model students can encourage everyone to overcome the bad habits, pay attention to the personal image and develop their abilities. Therefore, someone disagreed because he thought that the abilities were more important and we should appreciate the different styles between students. The activity may cause some students to pay attention to their clothes instead of their study.
On my opinion, the idea is not realistic. First, the model students couldn ’ t be known by all the students, so it ’ s hard to say that they have perfect images. Second, not all the students approve of the idea so
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