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A Day in My Summer Vacation

        Last summer I spent a two-week vacation at my aunt's place. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a small river winding its course everyday.

One morning I went fishing in the river, where two women washed clothes. I fimnd a most favorable point. Casting out my line I waited anxiously for a bite. Suddenly there came a cry: "Help! Help!" I looked in the direction of the call and saw a boy falling into the river. Throwing the fishing pole, I dashed over like an arrow, jumped into the river and swam very quickly towards the boy. Then together with his mother I carried the boy on my back to a nearby hospital. That boy was saved. The mother gave me a thousand thanks.

Back to my fishing place, I fimnd my fishing pole floating on the water. I managed to get it. But to my great surprise, there was a big fish on the hook.


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