every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, more important which he gives himself.
the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
education begins its work while the first breath of the child.
——jean paul
a teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
a man who gives his children habit's of industry provides for them better than giving them a fortune.
from the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discovery.
youth is more courageous than age because it knows less. age is wiser than youth because it knows more.
for many, life's longest mile is the stretch from dependence to independence.
——carla b.james
man will become better only when you will make him see what he is like.
the value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.
生 活 的 价 值 不 在 于 生 命 的 长 短 , 而 在 于 我 们 是 怎 样 度 过 的 。
education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.
——robert frost